Saturday, April 14, 2007


It's finally starting to feel like Spring in Minnesota. Honestly, the snow last week was just mean. And it made me even more frustrated that I had a 12-hour work day when it was 80 degrees two weeks ago...but now it's Spring! Today is supposed to be in the 60's, which is my ideal temperature, as long as it's coupled with the smell of grass and flowers, undeniable signs that the horrid Minnesota winter is finally over:)

I haven't posted for so long mostly because I don't have internet at home, which is the same reason I don't watch movies over the internet: because I'd have to do it at Caribou coffee, which is kind of embarrassing. Anyway, here's a quick list of changes since last time I posted:

*I registered for two summer classes at The Loft, an adult education center for literature. I'm going to try to be a freelance magazine writer! :) I'm so excited about it and hope my future looks something like Judith Warner or Adam Gopnick's current careers!

*I'm teaching an afterschool ballet course starting on Tuesday, for kindergarten, first, and second grade students. I am wary about getting them to focus and maintain ballet etiquette (we'll see how long that dream lasts) but excited about the potential for cuteness and increasing cultural awareness. I'm planning on having 10 minutes of free dance to a different composer's music every session, as well as mini lessons on the history, personalities, and language of ballet. For example, I'm going to introduce them to Mikail Baryshnikov on the first day, so there will be absolutely no taunting of the only boy, one six-year-old named Armando:) He's going to get to play the Sun in my interpretive choreography of Vivaldi's "Spring" from the Four Seasons compositions:) I will update this blog about the extent to which I over-thought this and how over-ambitious these expectations truly are...

*My parents are moving here! I'm enthusiastic because I love them and they don't irritate me as much as I feel I should expect them to. My parents are fun.

*I got gorgeous new business cards. You can get some too, for free, at You can design them yourself and get 250 nice, well-made cards for the cost of shipping (about $5).

*My tax return is big! Yay. I'm going to start saving...and maybe plan for a trip to Paris sometime soon.

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