Sunday, December 12, 2004

Further proof that I am a "cheap date"...
I had one cosmopolitan tonight- only 1!- and I had to firmly grip the rail when I climbed up the stairs to my apartment. Honestly! The only time I have this much confidence, albeit induced and unnatural, is when I'm a little tipsy. And obviously, this is the worst time for me to be looking for a guy. I know that, but I'm still mad that my friends wanted to leave the bar early. Grr. My head feels kind of heavy though. LOL. And my tongue is slightly swollen-like. lalala.


Mike said...

Nothing much to say ... only that I was hanging out with a bunch of ECMers and we were talking about how much we miss you. So ... we miss you!

Nicole said...

That's really sweet, Mike. I miss everyone, especially this time of year. I felt so nostalgic while reading Katy's blog about the party...I'm going to a bar with my post bac classmates this saturday, but it definitely won't be as special or spiritual (unless you mean spiritual as a pun)!