Monday, December 20, 2004

Today I accidentally said the "worst" swear word in front of my mom. In my defense, I was quoting the title of a book that I saw, but it nonetheless shocked her to the core. "I've NEVER said that word, Nicole!" Well, I'm sorry. I'm around future teachers all day and that crowd is just like sailors. I see her point, though...I should probably work that out of my daily speech before I start teaching kindergarters, huh? And more important, I've never said what I think is a worst word and I almost walked out of the Vagina Monologues because it was used so often. So I'm not completely corrupted yet ;>

PS- please add more modern Christmas songs to my list below! Does anyone know who sings the punk rock little drummer boy? Hmm...

PPS- It's really funny to watch the British House of Commons on CSPAN! Their president actually has to defend his actions AND apologize when he's wrong...that's so, um, democratic! We must avoid that at all costs.

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