Sunday, February 27, 2005

Quick Update-let:
*My parents gave me exactly what I asked for for my birthday: a $100 gift certificate to my grocery store! It's kind of a chic place and I always have to buy the cheapest food. Well, not this month! I'm going to buy sushi, flowers, wine, and fancy Mexican juice. I think this is a sign that I'm getting older: I'm moving on from clothes to chic cuisine.

*I have a case conference on Monday. That means I have a meeting with all of the heads of my graduate program, and a man I've never met, who will grill me about my student teaching placement. If they gang up on me, I may either a) break down and sob, b) yell "I'm actually paying to be here (insert insane laughter of a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown), so could someone teach me please?!!!, or c) just look at them like a dear in the headlights, stand up, and run out the door, never to return again to this awful program. I could so completely get a good job with a B.A. from Wash U, right?

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