Saturday, March 11, 2006

I went for a sunrise run this morning. It felt like Spring when I started, but by the time I was three miles from my apartment- on Mt. Curve Drive near I-94- clouds covered the sun and there were huge gusts of wind...and I was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts! I tried sprinting to warm myself up, but I was having difficulty controlling my freezing ankles and I was afraid I might trip:) The weather is sneaky. I was so excited for it to be warm enough for running again and it lured me out there! Oh well. I still can't really control my fingers, they're moving in slow-motion like when your foot falls asleep, so I'm going to take a hot bath to regain my circulation. I can't wait for the actual warm breezes and earthy smell of Springtime...the hope and potential of the season is why it's my favorite time of year.

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