Monday, July 24, 2006

Camp du Nord
I got back from family camp on Saturday and I'm already in camp withdrawl. I miss all the singing! It was just like regular camp, except I didn't have my own counselor because I'm an adult in their eyes. I was so jealous of the kids' activities...they got to play predator/prey and have pirate day. I did the adult activities, like basket weaving and canoe trips. My basket is cute, but kind of trapezoidal, and I realized that I hate canoeing with family. My brother cannot steer to save his life and my parents, who never fight, get vicious when there's any competition. I have a horrible- and somewhat gratifying- canoeing-cut on my thumb. And a huge bruise on my arm from sailing.

There was a group of Korean students visiting for the week, so I drove down to the nearest town (Ely) to look up Korean phrases. John and I mastered hello (ahn-nyung-ha-say-yo) and good-bye (ahn-nyung-hee-ga-say). My favorite part of the whole week was the night hike to Ol' Baldy (which sounds way too camp-like, but truly named). We left at 9:30 with a big group, but didn't start coming back until 10:30. It was a steep and narrow trail, but so much fun, since you had to rely on your other senses to keep from falling down! It made me laugh hysterically! It was like "there're roots, rocks, more roots, ooh big rock!" My adorable cousin Pete was like a little white ghost in front of me in his white sweatshirt.

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