Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I spent the entire weekend crying and worrying. One of my friends was broken up with in the worst, most emotionally painful way that I've ever heard, and the situation still gives me chills. While frightening in its method and precision, this event has taught me two things:

1. The easiest way to deal with people who are hurting you, whether it be avoidance, ignorance, or a complete breakdown of a relationship, is often the one that causes the most pain to the other person. Last night I apologized to a past roommate for doing that to her. That was a horrible situation to live in, with so much yelling, anger, manipulation, and tension, all escalating gradually, so I never saw it coming. I have a sense of uncultivated empathy that is physically painful, and I absorbed all of her fears about others. By the end of the year, I was on edge at all times, feeling like everyone hated me, desperately clinging to anything positive in my life. Right before final exams, I was offered a place to move by a friend who saw how miserable I'd become. For many reasons, all relating to my personal well being, I chose to tell my roommate that I was moving out right before she went on a trip. I felt very guilty and always have, so now I've finally apologized. The move was the best thing for me, and the decision made my life so much better for those last months leading up to graduation, but it was still a bad decision. It was still hurting someone who had obvious issues, throwing my pain onto someone who already had enough.

2. My friends are deeply caring people. I'm so proud of how we've come together to support our friend. Gooooooo friendship!

1 comment:

starrypurplehaze said...


thought you might need that. :)