Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life List
I like the idea of making a list of life goals and checking them off as they're accomplished; I'm definitely a list-maker! Ooh, it's such a good feeling to check a little box:) Here is my tentative list, which is liable to change:
1. Help to make a profound positive impact on another person's life.
2. Love and trust one person not in my family with my whole heart.
3. Publish my writing.
4. Go back to school to become a lawyer/architect/journalist/ballerina/something I've wanted to be but didn't have the ambition or guts to pursue.
5. Find a way to balance my need for control and my propensity for chaos.
6. Read the Bible.
7. Learn Russian or Polish, the language of my ancestors.
8. Visit the Ukraine and Eastern Poland.
9. Be confident that I am loved and deserve it, too.
10. Be a good friend and relative.

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