Thursday, July 29, 2004

ok, superquick, I have two papers to write in forty minutes, then I'm supposed to meet my linguistics friends for sushi, then I'm going to a John Kerry party in Eden Prairie!  I got five hours of sleep last night, but I finally found my paper mode mind this morning...all you wash u people know what I mean.  I drank two huge cups of tea and then I would write a paragraph then run one lap around my apartment!  (It's so cute- my kitchen has two entrances, so I can do laps:) I wonder how many it takes to make a mile...the people downstairs must hate me!)  Anyway, I was so hyper!  Bsing was the most useful college skill.  Anyway, now I have two to write and I have to get in my paper zone again.  Katy- your dad is probably the nice funny guy on the bus.  Someone's creepy when they demand your last name before they'll get off the bus.  That's my new rule.  So, Andrew, how was that chicken?  Oh, I was talking to my grandpa tonight and he said he's going to try to make my brother be, no.  That's way too family ties.  I told my grandpa that he wishes that they had more smart people on their side and I think he hung up on me!  I called back and my grandma said "he's done talking."  I really hope he knows I was kidding!

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