Monday, November 06, 2006

The Pledge of...whatever
How ironic is it that even though students are required to say the pledge of allegiance every morning in their classrooms, a teacher can get in trouble for presuming help them to read the words? Apparently, saying "under God" in school is okay, but discussing why you're saying it or what it means is not (not that I was actually going to discuss it, merely gloss over it quickly to get on to what "for which it stands" means. So essentially, the importance of the pledge, it's actual relevance to America, is completely superficial- the act of repeating it without comprehension is the purpose, I see now. I couldn't decide if I should have an upper case or lower case g, or g-d, anyway, to try for the most inclusive form, so it's just as well. I really can't understand why those words are still there, spoken enthusiastically by students who have no idea what they're saying, every single school day.

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