Sunday, December 10, 2006

Top 10 signs I'm getting older:
10. I listen to NPR and like it. I get giddy when I hear the "All Things Considered" themesong!
9. I have a membership to a Yoga-specific gym.
8. I own a yoga mat.
7. I cancelled cable tv because "there's really nothing on and it wastes my time" (that's a direct quote).
6. I shop at Kowalski's and appreciate how ritzy it is compared to Lunds.
5. I saw "The Holiday" this weekend and got really mad at Nancy Myers for doing what the New York Times thought she would do, which is make a schmaltzy romantic comedy whose only asset is Jack Black (who's actually a leading man;)
4. I'm dying to go to the after-Christmas sale Ann Taylor Loft.
3. All I want for Christmas is gift certificates to IKEA. I really, really don't want more stuff!
2. I'm starting to wonder where my career is headed...and it's only my second year of work.
1. I hung out with a group of friends and new guys last night and my major focus, although I was tipsy, was cleaning up!

Top 10 signs I still have the maturity of a 14-year-old girl:
10. I love the Gilmore Girls! It's such a good show.
9. I laughed at the same joke as one of my students on Friday. I honestly sometimes can relate to their excitement about school more than any colleagues excitement about teaching. I miss school!
8. I poked a guy on facebook yesterday. Electronically poking someone is like a wink that no one can see, and probably the most "teen" thing I've done in a while:)
7. I made a can pyramid last night, too, which, while it shouldn't be something that a 14-year-old does, is something I've never done before and probably another sign I'm regressing.
6. I buy skin products that I see on infomercials.
5. I sneak candy from the treat box at our school all throughout the day and sometimes eat it during class, while my students are working!
4. I was genuinely excited to get a Snoopy Christmas sticker from one of my students.
3. I have different ringtones for different people...and one of them is a James Blunt song.
2. I've started wearing more eyeliner.
1. I had a meeting with my boss this week and I brought up the possibility that I do research on Spanish dual immersion schools, so that our school might eventually become a bilingual school. He said that it was too soon in the discussion process to do research, and then I said, "But it's so much fun!" Then he rolled his eyes at me! I can't believe I said that...could I sound more like a ditzy, teenage girl (albeit a nerd?)

1 comment:

Katty said...

Listening to NPR's just cool. Seriously. I swear it is. When you're old is when you start giving them money. :-) Which I guess makes me old.

Re: squealing - I get that way about, um, shoes. Yeah. Some of my office-mates think I'm a bit too crazy about that. But they have to admit I have nice shoes!