Average Christian
You're not going to become a minister anytime soon, but you do your best to live your life in a Christian way. This means that although you probably don't attend church every Sunday, you do your best to follow the Ten Commandments, help the needy and generally be an all around good person. Who needs to follow the entire bible anyways? It was written ages ago, and Christ transmuted it by giving his life.
Isn't that a little bit sad? I guess I present my faith as being pretty superficial...that's because I never want to overwhelm or offend anyone. I think I also try to appear vanilla about my beliefs because it's hard to relate to someone who wears such a huge personal choice on their sleeve. This is so hard to explain! My cross necklace isn't a fashion statement or a badge of support for others to see; I wear it because I like to touch it when I'm very happy, sad, or scared, or when I'm just thinking about my life and God. To be cheesy, it's my Jesus security blanket.
Cricket : "Jesus is never mad at us if we live with Him in our hearts!"
Tommy Corn : "I hate to break it to you, but He is - He most definitely is."
I really liked "I Heart Huckabees," but it gave me an existential nightmere. In it, I was shopping at a huge estate sale with my mom (which I've never done before) and we were walking throughout the mansion, which was filled with antique furniture. Suddenly my mom was gone and I was alone. I kept walking from room to room, but they all looked the same (very musty...like the house in Great Expectations). It was trés Kafka-esque.
Don't worry ... I came out as "Category Unknown" -- a ringing endorsement for a priest. I scored out with 2 as average Christian, 1 as holy roller, 1 as atheist (where did that come from) and 1 as pagan/occultist. But the test is good for entertainment value!
Don't worry ... I came out as "Category Unknown" -- a ringing endorsement for a priest. I scored out with 2 as average Christian, 1 as holy roller, 1 as atheist (where did that come from) and 1 as pagan/occultist. But the test is good for entertainment value!
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