Sunday, June 05, 2005

This was a cake and moving weekend! I helped move my uncle into his new house and my brother into his new room. Then I ate cake at a restaurant and at my cousin Rachel's birthday party. I feel tired and very full:) My brother visited last night...he's pretty funny sometimes. When I was in his new room unpacking boxes, it reminded me of the deep fear and anxiety I used to feel when I was dropped off at school. I really haven't been comfortable far away from my family until this year; I think it's because I moved so much and had such a horrible high school situation. Anyway, I am praying that he's not feeling scared or lonely. I know he's so much braver and confident than I was. As much as we fought when we were small, we get along really well now, and laugh so much! He laughed for 5 minutes when I said that my favorite Rush song was "Huckleberry Finn." I thought that was the name of the famous one!

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