Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I heart endorphins
I had such a hectic day. With all the new students who are enrolling, I'm currently up to 90 ESL students. 90! I'm responsible for all of their English needs this year. I also need to test them all before I can start teaching, as per district policy. Sometimes I want to have a march on the district headquarters with all my cute little students chanting "No more testing, let us learn!" At 5:30, after spending hours figuring out who I needed to test and planning when, I sent my principal an email about my worries about having so many students, to test and to teach. I wrote, "This is probably a "well, good luck with that" kind of email." Now I'm worried that sounds kind of flippant. He probably gets worse than that all the time, but I really don't want to be one of those bitter teachers who start getting really involved in the *gasp* union. Honestly. If it can't be about the students, I'm going into another field, I'm not going to try to squeeze every cent out of an already tried system.

Anyway, this post is meandering, mostly because I just got back from an amazing run and I'm so high on endorphins...I looooovvveee running! I made it 4 miles today, which I usually do, but I never stopped once to stretch or get a drink of water. I also fell, for the first time since high school. I was running up a steep hill on the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the street (to help my shin splints) and I stepped in a hole that I didn't see because it was getting dark. I fell right on my knee and elbow on the sidewalk! It didn't really hurt at all, though. I think the combination of Aleve and the peptides (or whatever) raised my pain threshold. Now I have I really disgusting gash on my looks so gross! Oh well. I was going to wear black tights tomorrow anyway.

For the next week or so, all I'm going to do is test students. I have to do the same oral exam 19 times and each one takes at least 30 minutes. At least I'm happy right now, though, right? And tonight's a new Project Runway, in Paris no less. I miss Paris so much. I have dreams about getting married at St. Severin on the left bank, then having a small reception on a river boat at night with lots of twinkling lights. But for now, I'm testing, testing, testing, in my little cave of a room. C'est toujours la même chose.

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