Saturday, September 09, 2006

Want to hear a scary story?
I've told this story to a lot of people already, but there's an addition now, so this is the extended version.

Last night, while driving down a hill toward home after a friend's going-away party, I saw a black mass in the middle of the intersection. As I got closer, I realized that it was a large man slumped over in a motorized wheelchair. I swerved around him and pulled over to the side of the street. During the daytime, I might have gotten out and asked him if he needed help, but it was 12:30 at night and it was pitch black outside. So I started to get my phone out to call the police, when something moving in my rearview mirror caught my eye. The man was twisting and turning all over the street in his wheelchair, driving erratically and very fast. Suddenly, he turned and started speeding straight toward my car. I quickly pulled out and drove home, where I called the police and asked them to check on him.

Today, when I was walking back to my apartment after a run, I walked down the same hill and past the intersection, thinking how creepy it would be if I saw him still there. But that's just paranoia, right, because what are the chances that he would be there right at that time? Well, just as I walked past that intersection, I saw someone coming down the middle of the road toward me. It was the man, wearning a hooded sweatshirt that completely obscured his face, driving his wheelchair right down the middle of the street. I got a cold sweat and couldn't look at him. He went right past me and I swear it gave me chills.

Now I know he's probably just a local person who had a bad night last night (and hopefully did receive help), and I bet not he's not dangerous at all, but there's something so menacing about that really fast wheelchair. That must be the strangest thing in the world for someone to be afraid of.

Tonight I'm going to be cleaning my apartment, making emotion charts for my students, and possible baking some gourmet dessert :) Oh, and trying not to think about being chased.

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