Thursday, August 12, 2004

I have a question: are we too idealistic in college to choose a career based on future income?
I do want to be a teacher because I love children and doing creative activities and coloring with fruit-scented markers; but, will I eventually wish I had just majored in business, retired super-early, and then spent 40-ish years doing what I actually liked? Last week, my Aunt said that she really wishes she had chosen a financially lucrative career because money ultimately creates so many problems at home. Ugh. I got mad at my friend Eunice because she worked in a business job that she hated, but wouldn't leave because she was paid so much. And I always considered B-school majors to be somewhat greedy:) Just kidding, Caleb! I started thinking about money because I've been running at Lake of the Isles, a really posh neighborhood. There's a house that looks right out of tuscany and I started wondering if I could ever have my own bocce ball green with fountain. Where is the line between dreaming and greed? When you cut down your dreams about the future, is it "settling" or being realistic? I don't know if I would fit in in my dream life anyway...I already feel out of place in my parents "mews," so maybe I would feel out of place if I got my dream house. Well, can you tell that this is all procrastination? I have to finish my homework! Honestly, I have one class a week and I still can't get my homework done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are to idealistic. When you have a good income you can do anything, including volunteer or retire early and then volunteer---or both! If you don't make money now, you won't have any money to EVER retire and you will find yourself old, tired and unsatisfied. Life goes by quick, you can always give up a business career and do something you love, but vice versa is much harder.
Also in this day and age, a career in helping children is highly dangerous. One wrong move and all someone has to do is say "child molestor" and your life is ruined forever. If you love children, you can always have your own!