Saturday, August 28, 2004

I tasted my first cheese curd yesterday! That makes me an official Minnesotan. It's exactly what I thought it would be: deep-fried cheese. Who ever thought of that? What else can be fried, I wonder? Fried pizza would be good.
The people who made this website obviously had way too much fun frying!

I also officially changed my position on Jesus-hair. It was an in-joke with my high school friends because Mara wanted to add it to our list of 100 best male characteristics (which we all made at a sleepover in 10th grade), but I was vehemently against adding it. It felt kind of sacriligious and I also thought it couldn't be possible without looking mullet-ish (not that I think Jesus had a mullet ...or if he did I'm sure he pulled it off:) ). Anyway, I went back to the fair tonight and now I've officially changed my mind. I think the New Hampshire girl in me is attracted to the nuts-and-berries/rugged look.

Kind of on that topic- but from a COMPLETELY different point of view- my little brother is growing out his hair and growing a beard. My little brother! It's so disconcerting.

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