Sunday, January 16, 2005

I took a quiz that tells you how old you act and it turns out that I behave like a 23 year old. So I need to start acting more juvenile, because I still have 2 months before I'm actually 23.
Ways that I behave just like my age should:
-I watch the O.C. And I'm not ashamed to say it. (I even had someone tape me an episode when I was busy). I think it's the tv equivalent of sour-patch kids, which makes it obvious why I'm so addicted.
-I have Christmas lights in my kitchen.
-I have a fish named Tutu.
-I have a plate on my coffee table that has sugar skulls on it (remains from the day of the dead) and I still think it's funny, in a bizarre kind of way. Besides that, I LOVE candy!
-I'm rereading Harry Potter 4, because it's the best one... and I'm excited for the movie!
-When I go grocery shopping, I always manage to open a bag on chips to munch on during the drive back to my house (which is less than a mile).
-I love The Killers, even though being up-to-date with music trends is so 20-something.
-I still practice signing my name...and I changed the last "s."
-I like to go on long, freezing runs, even though it always starts to feel like a Jack London book, and I start to panic that I'm going to need to build a fire. The irrationality of doing that is so young twenties.
-I'm not panicked about finding true love yet. I'm not going to start saying "when I have 30 cats, shoot me please" because, whatever, I'm only 22. Even if I were in a victorian novel, I'd still have a chance...I wouldn't be an old maid yet.
-When I go to the high school to student teach, I still feel like a student. I honestly thought about signing up for international talent-show night before I remembered: I'm a teacher. And I have to keep reminding myself that I don't care what other people think about me- which is exactly what I had to keep reminding myself during high school.
-I'm an impulse shopper and it's pretty bad.
-I have the same driver's license I got when I was 16.
-I'm still wearing a winter jacket that I bought in New Hampshire (when I lived there 7 years ago). I also still wear the sandals I bought specifically for 8th grade graduation.
-I bought a pink plastic set of drawers and decoupaged it with magazine clippings...and I think it looks awesome!

Anyway, I think that it's important to stay young at heart. And I've decided that it would be stupid for me to try to act older now, knowing that in 5 years I'll be praying that people will card me (although that probably won't be a problem since I still look like I'm 15...I almost got away with smiley pancakes last year at IHOP). So I'm not going to take up oenophilia, force myself to read the Wall Street Journal, or start shopping at Ann Taylor (and I'm still going to gag when I talk about Chico's). I'm going to order silly drinks, wear my pink and green Kangaroos, curl my hair for no reason, and eat tons of starbursts. It's so much more fun that way!!

(ps- these are the few ways I act older than 22:
-I drink tea every morning and my favorite is Twinings Earl Grey.
-I've read every Lord Peter Wimsey novel, the literature choice of elderly British women.
-I pay my bills the day they arrive.
-I've started talking to my cousins about how big they've gotten. I also say "when I was your age," but I'm not proud of it.
-I went to hear Jean Chretien speak on campus because I'm interested in the Canadian government.
-I know the name of every reporter on CNN.
-I read the New York Times every morning (but it's usually just editorials and movie reviews).
-I love gorgonzola cheese and my favorite salad includes that, Spinach, and candied walnuts.
-I've found MY perfume scent. And I actually want to keep it a secret because I love it so much.)

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