Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I watched a beautifully compassionate movie today. It's called "Wilbur wants to kill himself."

That sounds so morbid, and it is a little dark, but it's really life-affirming and hopeful as it progresses. Normally I hate black comedies (remember the story about watching "Harold and Maude" at my first boy-girl party?) but the script is so funny! Like after Wilbur attends the suicide group again, he says "it gets more depressing every time I go back there." Not to mention that it stars two handsome Irish men :) There isn't gratuitous suicide attempts...and it's such a moving story by the end. Another movie by the same director is "Italian for Beginners" which my mom and I loved.
It's about Scandinavian people in an Italian class (so the subtitles get a little confusing!) and it's funny in the same slow and 'everyday' way. I highly recommend both films.

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