Sunday, August 07, 2005

Alright, here's the 411:)

I have a job interview tomorrow morning. And I REALLY want this job. It's at a K-2 school, which is cute in itself, plus perfect for me. It's also part-time with full-time potential, which means I can get my feet wet before being completely overwhelmed. The drive is only 12 minutes (during rush hour) too...perfect. So I need to be composed, professional, and ESL perfection personified tomorrow. Please cross your fingers for me!

I went to see Broken Flowers today. It was good. In the same way that Lost in Translation was: quiet, contemplative, and pseudo-intellectually funny. While some parts were cute, it bothered me a little that it pushed the line in terms of "independent-chicness." The soundtrack was beautiful and somewhat randomly ethnic, there was pointless nudity, and the ending (sorry to spoil it a bit) was completely unresolved. But unresolved in the way that I had no idea what the characters were thinking or what would happen. It definitely didn't work as well as in Lost in Translation.

These past three weeks, I've suddenly joined a new group of friends, through one guy I met in a summer class. But the group is so saturated with in-jokes that I'm never going to permeate and actually become a member. Which makes all experiences with them kind of awkward. Also, I was invited to a surprise party for my friend's girlfriend when she doesn't even know me. What does that mean? Being friends with guys is completely confusing. Do guys with serious girlfriends have coffee with other girls? Do they call them every week? I can't understand the motives. It all boils down to the eternal question posed in When Harry Met Sally. Hmm...


starrypurplehaze said...

luck, luck, i wish lots and lots of it! :)

Mike said...