Monday, August 15, 2005

These days I alternate between two states of mind:

1. Scared and stressed out because I don't have a job, a place to live, I haven't finished packing, and I don't know where I'm going in September.
2. Excited and a little bit euphoric with the feeling of not making a decision and being sort of free for a short period of time, not tied down in any way and with many possibilities in front of me. I've rarely ever had that feeling.

So depending on when I talk to you, I could be either a worried nutcase or a laidpack, carefree girl. Be forewarned.

I never put my full-name or photo on the internet, but here are pictures of people with the same exact name who are not me:

A dog-groomer

An Author of Online Children's Stories

An Occupational Therapist

A Wyoming Reporter (in an old time photo?)

And a Remax Agent in South Africa.

Those are just the ones who are on the internet! This all explains why a debt recovery agency left an urgent and terrifying message on my answering machine which was for a different me. There seem to be a lot of us.

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