Saturday, February 25, 2006

Breakfast at Tiffany's
I was driving in my car this afternoon and I heard "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something, one of my favorite songs. In my intro to psych class senior year, Prof. Trick-testquestions taught us that often people's favorite music is what they listen to during their early twenties, i.e. the "most wild years of their lives." So I always wonder what music I'll be humming in my wheelchair at the nursing home. My grandpa still loves Patsy other music has touched him as much since she was current. But I'm wondering if my turbulent high school years and the lingering effects have changed my psychological timeframe. The last time I was carefree-happy, the kind when you forget everything but the present happiness, was when I was a freshman in high school. I had a huge group of friends, first big crushes on the boys lacrosse team, and I was sitting pretty in my stable family and small town. That's when I was listening to "Breakfast at Tiffany's." I almost started crying when I heard the song today, because it reminded me of those times. Everyday, I get closer to myself, the free and easy me that I had then, and a piece of my horrible high school years drops away. And that song will always make me innocently smiley and nostalgic. Visit me when I'm 80 and I'll definitely be playing the instrumental version on the Golden Valley community-room piano:)

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