Monday, February 20, 2006

I need this to stop. I had a "light" headache all day and effectively did nothing. I'm so mad about this- I want to be more prepared and do more work for school. My lesson planning is barely started, which means I'm going to be running to catch up all day tomorrow. But I don't know what to do. I finally took a imitrex, my $22 pill, but it hasn't helped yet. All I can do is sit in my moon chair and stare. Or take naps in my bed. I hate feeling like a lazy bum; I need to get things done! This weekend was so much fun before today, though. My brother is so supportive and nice to me! He got me a "Roman Holiday" poster...from Rome! It's in Italian and it will fit in well with the other posters in my apartment.


Unspar! said...

Dear Nicole,
How would you feel if I read your blog every day at work? I get very bored and read all of my friends' blogs every day because there is nothing else to do.

I ask because I'm not sure I know you well enough to read your blog every day without asking. I would not want to ruin the beginnings of what could be a wonderful friendship by being that weirdo who reads your blog without permission (though I have no qualms about being that weirdo who asks for permission). So here we are.

Love always,

Nicole said...

Of course, Ben! There's a guy in San Francisco who I don't know at all who reads my blog (apparently), so it's open to everyone!