Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Me, sans appendix
The past few days have felt surreal. Sunday was Easter; beautiful, sunny, full of food and family time. I ran around all day, buying a piƱata, helping with cooking, and stuffing myself with candy and my aunt's delicious potatoes with creme frache. Then Sunday night I woke up at 1am with a horrible stomach ache which was so much worse than what I had been feeling sporadically throughout the week. I was awake for 4 hours, just laying on my bed, trying not to move. It hurt so much, and it was superficially sensitive too so even the sheets resting on me were too painful. So I finally decided that I would take myself to urgent care: five days of nausea without actually having the flu is definitely a sign of something.

At Urgent Care, they decided I should get a CAT scan, so we drove to Methodist Hospital and I got to drink the illuminating fluid and wait. By 1pm, 4 hours after I first got there, they called to say that I had appendicitis and I would have surgery that evening! I started laughing:) I knew something was wrong with me when I almost passed out during a verb lesson on Tuesday.

I was admitted at 3 and went to surgery at 3:45. It all seemed really funny: my stomach didn't hurt at all then (I asked to walk to surgery, but I guess that's not permitted) and I didn't completely believe it was actually happening. The last thing I remember (besides the fact that none of the surgical interns are as good-looking as anyone on Grey's Anatomy) is asking my anaesthesiologist to "please knock me out" because I was scared to see the equiptment when I finally got into the OR.

I didn't get any sleep last night at the hospital- they honestly wake you up every 30 minutes! My stomach hurt a little, but they gave me morphine and percocet, which was quite relaxing. I left this morning and spent the day with my relatives, and my mom, who flew in for two days.

I am unbelieveably lucky to a) have caught this so soon, and b) be so young when having this procedure. The day after surgery, I went shopping, went out to dinner, and bought new books at the bookstore. And I'm not supposed to go back to work until Monday. I feel a little bit guilty:(

So that was my past two days...I'm sorry if I haven't been around! That's what I've been up to.

ps- if you want to see what my appendix looked like during the procedure, I have pictures. They're not for the faint of heart!


Beth said...

Hurray for good self-care! Glad to hear you're ok.

Nicole said...

Everyone should use WebMD.com whenever they have slightly strange symptoms! It told me to go to the doctor, and how to best describe how I felt.

Unspar! said...

For some reason I can't explain, this story confirmed something that I never suspected: I love surgery stories.

Congratulations on being OK and ditching that lousy appendix!

chris said...

speaking of illuminating fluid, i still need to buy you a drink or something to say "congrats on getting a job for next year"! or now it could be a "thank God you're okay" drink. whichever you prefer. can you hang out with us this weekend???