Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday :(

I just washed out a container of borscht that had been in my refrigerator for a long time and there was the most disgusting mold growing in it! It look like an octopus tentacle. I almost thought it would grow eyes and slither out of the drain to get me. And now that I wrote that, I'll probably have great dreams tonight ;)

This week is going to be hectic, in the best way. When I was growing up, Holy Week was always a time of breathless anticipation...and not just for chocolate. I was a crucifer and pretty much the only person my age who was available to acolyte, so I ended up serving at almost every service. Once, I was the incense bearer (with the swinging ball-on-chain) at the Easter Vigil, but right before the service we couldn't find the coal. So we built a teeny little fire out of matches. Well, it worked for a while- it was flaming a bit, which might have scared the congregation- but the worst part came when I got to the altar. Right when we stopped, the campfire imploded, and I was surrounded in a pouf of smoke!

I'm going to every service this week. It makes me feel at peace and in touch with the history of our religion. After visiting the cathedrals in England, I can picture Episcopalians celebrating the Easter season with the same practice and prayers that we do today. That tradition, heritage, and most importantly, stability of faith makes me feel safe and part of a historical community. It's so comforting.

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