Monday, June 26, 2006

Hell Week
I made a big mistake and registered for two classes for this week, from 9am-4pm and 4:45pm-7:45pm. Which means I leave home at 8:30 and get back at 8:30. But I have no motivation for my morning class: it's mostly a huge group of teachers from South Carolina, whose accents are already driving me crazy, and the two teachers love to tell anecdotes that never end. And they make us do really degrading activities like jigsaw, which is basically "prove that you did the reading by explaining it to 5 people you don't know as they stare with glazed eyes into space." My plan is to write my papers for the afternoon class during the morning class, which worked really well this morning! But I have so many important things to do, which I haven't had time to finish yet:
-Get car insurance finally.
-Pay my students loans...oops.
-Do like 5 readings for classes.
-Go to HR and sign my contract, which I was supposed to do before school ended.
-Vacuum my apartment.
-Bake some scones.
If I make it through this week with some sanity, please give me a hug!

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