Thursday, June 03, 2004

Have you ever noticed that some of the most beautiful or wonderful things in the world are slightly imperfect...this is my "French" theory. I don't know if it really makes sense, but I think that French people understand that perfection is too sacchine and suffocates your imagination; when things are slightly bitter, frayed, dissonant, or bittersweet, it makes you create perfection for yourself. I think that Americans have a proclivity towards overconsumption because we're always satisfied with products, and then the desire for perfection must be constantly rekindled with new purchases. It's almost an addiction. If some people could accept imperfection, maybe repressing the need to buy would be the next step. I love the French (no freedom fries for me, please!)

Anyway, these are some imperfect things that I love:
1. Arizona Green's kind of bland and tastes like watered-down honey, but I can imagine it being sweeter while I drink it.
2. "You Can Count on Me." OMG :) I love this movie because it portrays a character who's flawed and can't be changed, but his family accepts that and loves him anyway. And because I have a little brother, the last scene makes me cry, because I'm scared of that too, but it's a natural change that everyone has to endure.
3. My great grandma's was a graduation present. It's not beautiful, or what I would ask for in a ring, but it represents her immigration from Poland during World War I and her struggle in American society. And embraces something kind of chintzy-looking and making it a fashion statement is what French fashion is all about! So I put it on my gold cross necklace, so that I have my faith and my family heritage hanging near my heart.
4. Paintings by Paul Klee. He is my favorite artist because so many of his works show childlike innocense and distortion. Even though he can draw very well, he chooses to use the style to make you think and I love it! Especially "The Ventriloquist," the painting in my profile.

Have you embraced imperfection? Share a story!

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