Saturday, May 29, 2004

Blessings and Changes...
I am so blessed by the generosity of my family! Today was John and my combined graduation party; it was at Bucca de Beppo, a completely outrageous sicilian-themed restaurant (hint that it's over-the-top: one table has a bust of the pope in the middle of the lazy susan). Anyway, we had an entire room for all 25 of us and it was so much fun! Our two sets of grandparents haven't been together for so long (and we really blessed to still have four grandparents too). My brother decoded his placemat like in "A Beautiful Mind" and I couldn't stop laughing. And we both received so many wonderful presents. My absolute favorite I wasn't allowed to mention at the party though---Sex and the City, Season 6 on DVD! It's the best kind of tv because it's funny like fluff shows, but it's also smart. And on the stupid side, I got the Dessert perfume I asked for. It actually tastes really good.

I got the chocolate one.

In terms of changes, I just realized how much one of my friends has changed since we were in high school. We used to get along really well, and now she always cancels because of random things (like sleeping in and missing a sit-down lunch and not caring), and only talks about herself and shopping for wildly extravagant purses. In the past, she's last-minute cancelled so much that my mom said that she (my mom) would have been surprised if she had shown up today. I'm so happy that I still have all my other high school friends...and I can't wait to make more in Minneapolis! Oh, good news too- I finally have an apartment!! I don't have the address yet, but I'll send out an update when I do.

ps- (5 hours later) I just discovered that when I can't sleep and am starving, but feel too lazy to walk downstairs and get a midnight snack, the chocolate-flavored perfume becomes irresistible! Is there anything more absurd than being so lazy that I'm sitting in bed, and spraying and licking my hand? It's SUCH a good thing that I'm starting school again in two weeks!

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