Thursday, September 02, 2004

"No dejaremos a ningún nino atrás." Hmm, it's been happening for four years!

Education is not a race to the finish line, Mr. President.

Maybe that's way millions of Hispanic high school graduates *in the state you governed* drop out of college before one year, since they have only been taught how to take a test.

(^My message to the President...everyone else can skip it. When he reads my blog, then he'll understand ;) )

My grandpa has almost the same cadence and intonation of President Bush, as well as the same mannerisms (although not the accent). That's why I do like the President...I would like to invite him to a barbeque and hear him tell jokes!
But how can we ignore a generation of public-schooled children?

I also don't think that starting an unending war, like another cold war, is a hopeful campaign for our country. Couldn't we address each terrorist cell individually and case specifically? Why haven't we found the Al Qaeda leaders yet, those who actually caused the largest act of terrorism in our country's history? I'm tired to being told to be afraid of the terrorists and to anticipate future terrorism. How can President Bush be at once so aww-schucks and attacking-without-question?

Are we really "the greatest force for good on this Earth"? Are we doing enough for victims of AIDS in Africa?

OMG! The terrorists don't hate our freedom! I don't think it's sour grapes. They hate our arrogance, our wealth and consumption in comparison to the rest of the world, and our lack of global cultural conscience.

I'm sorry I'm so consumed by the Republican National Convention...but I get knots of fear in my stomach when I think about George Bush winning another term.

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