Sunday, September 26, 2004

Oh my gosh...has anyone seen Extreme Makeover: Home Edition? It plays on my emotions so much! It's like watching the happiest day of a family's life; they definitely play up every sentimental angle. It makes me cry...and it's a reality show on abc! The designers left the widowed father's bible open on the desk next to the deceased mother's bible and they were both on the same page about eternal love. It's almost maudlin, but it's so compelling. Maybe tv executives will realize that the spontaneous moments of happiness and grief are much more beautiful than greed and betrayal (and a bunch of attention-needy people who are performing for a prize). I loved the moment at the Emmy's when Garry Shandling brought the two "normal" people onstage and unblindfolded their eyes and took off their headphones! And then they both started crying, and the man said that he respected all of the actors there, and the woman said "Hey, Matt LeBlanc." It was so fun!

Last night I slept on my cousin Maria's trundel bed...I made a deal with her that I would spend the night if she went to church with me today. I know that you can't bribe someone into religion- actually it was just because I don't like sitting alone. So we went together and it was fun...we colored the story of the rich man and Lazarus the whole time. I also found a new study spot!

Finally, I dyed (I just saw that typo and edited it. Honestly, how many people read that and thought, "how did Nicole ever get into Wash U?") my hair on Thursday night. It's dark brown with a faint auburn tint. I'm going to be Snow White for Halloween, now, so I just have to find a cute costume (I'm going to be student teaching in a bilingual kindergarten classroom, so that's Blancanieves to them!) Our group of future ESL teachers has started "Board game Thursdays"...we're such a wild and crazy bunch! It was really fun though- we played word games. And now I'm on the lookout for an economist of my own...tweed is hot, when a guy can pull it off.

Okay, watch the debate on Thursday! I'm going to a debate know what Sammy Jo says, "I don't believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party, I just believe in parties." We all get really riled up about No Child Left Behind, though!

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