Friday, October 14, 2005

This morning at 2:30, I woke up with a start because I thought I felt centipede feet crawling up my leg, which happens a lot since my encounter with one last week. It was kind of warm in my room, so I got up to turn on my air conditioning. The second I turned it on, my power went out. So I went down to the basement and replaced the fuse, all the while thinking that a crazy homeless person was going to jump out from under the staircase and strangle me (it was really dark and creepy in the hallway). When I got back to my apartment, on the third floor, my power was still out, so I went down and replaced the first fuse. Then I went back upstairs and my power was still out. So I went back down again and replaced the second fuse. Each time the meter started moving right can the meter be moving and my power not be on? It doesn't make sense to me, but it still didn't work. This experience is starting to answer a question that I've been thinking about for a while: why is my rent so cheap? ;)

1 comment:

Katty said...

That sucks! I hope you can hold your landlord accountable for it.