Friday, May 05, 2006

Did you know?

I'm incompentent when it comes to finding a place I've never been before. I was 90 minutes late to my conference today! There is a part of my brain that refuses to accept that I should look up directions before I get in my's traveling Russian roulette; I almost had a meltdown while running around St. Paul in the freezing cold this morning.

I'm very bad at staying in touch with old friends. I think that my transient childhood made me able to drop friendships and move on without feeling bad...which makes me feel bad. And I hate it because it's sad and I want to maintain a big Christmas card list.

My cat likes to sit like a human.

1 comment:

Unspar! said...

I got lost this weekend too. I went to Duluth to visit a friend, and she told me to take the 21st St. exit. Unfortunately, there are two 21st St. exits in Duluth. So I took the wrong one and spent a half hour driving everywhere trying to find it. It didn't help that my phone didn't work. Happy ending though: I stopped at a strange pizza place and used someone's phone to call my friend and have them pick me up.

Long comment.