Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm becoming my mother at an alarming rate
In celebration of Mother's Day, these are the ways that I'm like my mom:

1. I hate when my apartment's not clean. It's becoming an OCD...I literally can't leave until everything's straightened up, only because I'm afraid it will devolve into the tornado-strewn mess that it is right now. I'm sitting here feeling really tense.

2. I don't do anything half-way. I like to complete tasks in one sitting; that way it's done and there's no possibility of me forgetting to do it later.

3. I have a weird multi-tasking strategy at work! I do whatever pops into my head, so I'm always juggling 5 tasks at a time (like, go pick out the guided reading books; ooh, and they need flash cards, I'll make those now too; but, right, I should translate one set into Arabic for my Jordanian student; and while I'm doing that I'll search the internet for a better translation site; and while I'm looking for that, I'll buy some more Arabic literature for that student...). Then I cycle through each task, which makes me run around the school much more than I need to and scare people with how "focused" I look. I guess they aren't used to my kind of intensity in at the elementary level.

4. I take care of my brother. Even if it spoils him, oh well. As my mom always used to say, we're more related to each other than we are to anyone else on Earth. So we shouldn't kick each other so much.

Happy Mothers' Day!

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