Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Do you attend Washington University in St. Louis? Do you want to be on TV?

CNN will have an outdoor broadcast space there on Friday. All of the shows will be taped there and there will be opportunities for students to ask questions of reporters, political analysts, and campaign managers! (I'm such a freak for being excited about that). Anyway, if I were there, I would make signs, camp out there all day - it's a worthy enough reason for skipping class- and get on tv!

Possible questions: How is President Bush planning on reversing the huge deficit that is growing bigger every day? How will he safeguard social security for our generation? When will he begin funding education to the extent needed by No Child Left Behind?

One possible sign to make (and if you're as big a marker-nerd as me, this will be the best part):
Side 1- The Economy, Education, Health Care, Social Security, the War in Iraq.
Who's gonna save us? (*from the song by The Living End...quite apropos ;) )
Side 2- Kerry, Edwards! Help is on the way!

I hope I get to see at least one familiar face on tv Friday night!:)

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