Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I woke up this morning and got dressed and made-up (well that sounds stupid, but it's true) all before I ate breakfast. I swear I haven't done that since high school! Then I drove to my elementary school and spent all morning in the classroom. I love the kids! They are so sweet, even though I don't understand most of what they're talking about: they speak Lao, Vietnamese, and Cambodian, and I don't. I work with Anthony, who is so smart, although can't say "three" yet, so avoids it as much as he can which is so cute. But my cooperating teacher is so inclusive- she's like, "create your own lessons, do whatever you want." I bought my Snow White costume last week, which was outrageously expensive, but I wrote it off as a teaching expense. Besides which, I look like Snow White now -especially with bright red lipstick- and the kids are learning about witches. This is possibly the most fun I've ever had for class credit! I'm really excited for our apple-picking trip next week!

Then I went to class...my teacher is completely soporific (such a useful SAT word). She speaks like Mr. Rogers and her lessons are so simplistic. Today, after spending 45 minutes discussing our homework assignment in groups, she asked if we wanted to keep doing the activity. We all (30 of us) looked at each other to try to think of a nice way to say that we thought the class was pointless and we were bored out of our minds and couldn't believe we were paying thousands of dollars to attend the class. Finally, Audra said, "Um...well, honestly...um, not really." I feel bad for my teacher, but how can you teach us to be teachers when you can't teach us yourself? We started laughing because Audra had said exactly what we were all thinking. Oh well. Only 8 more months;)

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