Saturday, October 02, 2004

This morning I did my first door-to-door knocking for Kerry. It was super fun! I got to pass out yard signs and stickers too. The former Governor of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen, spoke at the instructional meeting about the dirty tactics that the GOP is using to disenfranchize minority voters:

-In Florida, they are mailing Hispanic voters letters saying that they must apply for absentee ballots, but then never sending them those in the mail.
-In southern Ohio, they are sending people letters saying that if John Kerry is elected, their Bibles will be taken away.
-At Universities around the country, they are trying to spread the idea that students will lose scholarship money if they vote.

Since there is so much emphasis on the swing-voters, I didn't feel like there would be very much for us to do in Minnesota, since Kerry still has a lead here. However, the practice of turning African Americans away at polling centers is occuring here too. I met a family today who said that they weren't allowed to vote in the primaries because their middle names apparently didn't match the registration records. That makes me so mad! So everyone, make sure you are registered and that you bring two forms of ID, plus proof of current address to your polling station on November 2nd!! We can't let Bush win by surpressing votes for Kerry!

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