Friday, October 29, 2004

Today I wore my snow white costume to school. I pinned my hair under and wore bright red lipstick.

This is what happened:
-My cooperating teacher said that if teaching fell through, I could always get a job on a cruise or at Disney World.
-When I went to the principal's office, he laughed.
-My students kept asking, "Are you Miss Nicole?"
-A boy in the hall asked me if I was the real Snow White. When I said "yes," he turned to his friend and said "I told you so."

I love being in kindergarten, where dressing-up is accepted!

However, I'm not going to wear this to my peer party. They're aiming towards Dolly Parton (why? I don't know) and I would be just a little out of place. I think I'll be a hula girl.

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