Friday, October 22, 2004

I went to bed at 1am this morning and woke up at 12pm...I guess the week wore me out more than I thought. Last night at 10:30pm, I had a sudden craving for junk food, so I drove to the 24hr grocery store, which is a three minute drive, and bought three bags of "light" chips and then ate 1/2 the bag of low-fat cape cod chips. I think I can write it off as a meal since they were light and made of potatoes. So it's kind of like I ate a baked potato with butter last night at 11pm. Which is reasonable.

Yesterday, I went with people in my graduate school class to a hugemongous Kerry rally. Because we live in Minnesota, it was held next to the stadium, instead of inside it, which would have been much less chilly. It was kind of fun, but I was so far away and so short that I spent most of the time staring at the winter jacket of a really tall guy in front of me and jumping up and down to warm up my toes. Anyway, I never actually saw Kerry, because of those reasons and because I lost my glasses two days ago, but it was fun to see thousands of Kerry supporters together! The news said that there were 20,000 people there. I can't believe the election is so soon. I'm honestly starting to get scared.

I have one issue that's bothering me. I have read polls and articles that suggest that Democrats are inherently more easily scared than Republicans. During the Democratic National Convention, Tucker Carlson said that most Democrats have conveyed to him a fear of our current government and their propensity to make very big mistakes. Yes, I'm scared of that! And then, last week, I told my grandpa that I was scared of President Bush being reelected, because I thought that without the need to campaign again, he would start creating more right-wing propositions. My grandpa told me not to be scared and my grandma said that I needed to remember that the world would not end if Bush were reelected. The media also keeps mentioning that both candidates are using the politics of fear to play with voters' minds. How can President Bush simultaneously say that he'll protect us and that we'll be attacked again, and think that people won't see that incongruency and be scared? Well, I read this in the New York Times this morning:

"In a disturbing article in last Sunday's New York Times Magazine, the writer Ron Suskind told of a meeting he'd had with a senior adviser to the president. The White House at the time was unhappy about an article Mr. Suskind had written.

According to Mr. Suskind, "The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' " The aide told Mr. Suskind, "That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality." "

That scares me!

I'm a girl who's afraid of spiders, calories, and physics, but I think it's time for America to stop being afraid to hold our President accountable for his actions and skewed view of reality. There are only 11 days left and I'm sick and tired of being scared!

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