Thursday, April 22, 2004

The ECM theory is true! Okay, today I was walking in the pouring rain and there was a person on crutches and I just walked by...but then I thought "if that was me, what would someone else in ECM do?" And since everyone has been so incredibly nice, I went back and shared my umbrella. It wasn't that ECM made me feel guilty, but that now I'm always cognizant of how much people need help from each other and that you can't just assume that someone else will do it. On the other hand, I was too shy to go up to Professor Duncan in Starbucks and ask him why he hasn't finished my recommendation yet, since it was due last Wednesday- and that's definitely not helping anyone, since my whole family is holding their breath that I will get into University of Minnesota.
I'm going to get my car fixed (finally!) this dad seriously thinks that the wheels are going to pop off it I don't...but many ECMers assured me was impossible!:)

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