Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I say that I'm stressed-out so much that people must get really annoyed, but I just realized that being stressed-out would actually be being past the point of stress, like I suppose if you've felt stressed for so long that you're just out of stress. And so it's finally true! I'm out of stress, which is why I haven't worked on my papers which are due in three weeks and have an urge to go see what's new at the Galleria instead of preparing for my Freud presentation. I am so jealous of Hopie and Laurie! Do you guys feel the need to write another paper at Wash U? I can share!
My only promise is that I won't stop working on group projects...but maybe everything else is just too much for me to deal with right now.

And another thing that makes me sad is that my family is on their first vacation without me, to Myrtle Beach. As Freud says, the more love you receive as a child, the more you need to internalize your aggression as an adult. So my parents are messing up my last semester at college by giving me too many hugs.

p.s. Can someone please im me the way to add a reply section to a blog? I tried one of them and nothing changed.

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