Friday, April 16, 2004

Packing is not as much fun when you're not going home right afterwards. So it turns out that I can procrastinate about this too. I think I'll go see a movie, then go to the planetarium. My brain is like mush right now, even though I haven't done any work since yesterday. This is so much worse than high school senioritis! I'm so sorry I was brusque with people who nicely offered to help me tomorrow morning...I changed my mind: if you are awake, please come over! This is too lonely by myself.

On the positive side, I finally met my upstairs neighbor. She's an old woman and she said, "I'm so happy we finally got to meet...where are you going?" And I said that I moving out in the morning, and we laughed about it. My grandpa also told me that apparently my cats love him and during the week that they've been cat-sitting, Benzene climbs on his lap every morning! Hmm...maybe that cat's finally lost his edge! We've been trying to get through to him for years:) Or maybe it's just because it's my grandpa.

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