Friday, April 16, 2004

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Yesterday, at one of the craziest SALT meetings ever (and that says so much- umm, dance-offs with potential contributers to the capital campaign?), I realized that the people in ECM are so amazingly supportive and kind and that is why our community is such a great example of God's love. I'm not used to trusting people- because of so many things that happened in High School- so the feeling that I can depend on the community is so amazingly comforting! Everyone has been saying these things about ECM recently and it's so true! And the best thing about that support is that it motivates us to spread that love in our daily presence at Wash U and in the community.
I'm in such a sappy mood, so I'm going to watch Babe...when the farmer sings and dances I cry every time! That movie is maybe the silliest thing, but it's so sweet too. If you have an insatiable desire to put things in boxes, please come over to my apartment anytime today...oh, and I finally posted the notes from the Capital Campaign and SALT meeting- sorry that took so long!

Hmm...I think that the cd of the day will by the new O.C. mix. And no one make fun of me! It's so good, especially the Dandy Warhols!

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