Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I'm going to be like Mike and write a blog with social commentary!
One thing that really bothers me is when people take advantage of the legal system in the United States for their own gain. I didn't like it when the woman sued McDonalds over hot coffee or when paparazzi sue movie stars for defending themselves. We are so lucky to have equality under the law, but it seems like some people are so obsessed with defending their right to have laws enforced that they create situations in which they purposely hurt themselves or make other people break them! Today my mom told me that a really sweet elderly couple from my church at home were arrested and are being sued for trespassing. They went down a dead-end street to see the work on a stone wall at the end, which is being built around a gigantic mansion that is being built downtown. When they tried to find a place to turn around, all of the other driveways, except the Mansion's, were blocked with wheelbarrows. So the old man did a three point turn and back a few feet into the driveway and suddenly a man drove up in a little golf-cart and blocked him from getting out. Then he yelled, "I'm calling the police!" and had them charged and booked for trespassing. And now his evil team of lawyers want to try them to the full extent of the law! My parents said that he has sued the town so many times already for random offenses and he probably set up the wheelbarrows so he could sue people!


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