Sunday, May 29, 2005

I swear that the only thing I do when I'm on vacation with my parents is eat! The little walking excursions around Chicago are just an excuse to eat more at the next meal. It's relaxing; I get a bit stressed about trying to find super cheap restaurants, even though I'm going to be doing that for a long time as a teacher. Yesterday, John and I took the subway to Chinatown- I love love love ethnic neighborhoods. They're by far the most interesting in the city. We bought dim sum, lanterns, and candy. I also bought a health food of some kind: it was on the same shelf as the candy, but is manufactured by a Biotechnology company. I don't know if I'll have the guts to try it though, being as brown and lumpy as it is. On Friday, I went to the Mexican Art Center, where they have an amazing collection of Hispanic artwork. Of course, I also went to the gift shop and bought a papier-mache piggy bank and a museum poster. Weird fact about me: I love raw fish but hate cooked fish. We went to a sushi restaurant last night and I ate a huge plate of salmon sashimi. I also had a glass of wine and it made me so tipsy; wine does that to me more than any other drink. Today I'm going back to the Twin Cities on a train- hmm, I wonder when I'll arrive? Hopefully before tomorrow.

Since I'm a little bored, I'll do this:
1.) Name: Nicole
2.) Age: 23
3.) Birthdate: 3/5/82.
4.) Hometown: none- I'm nomadic.
5.) Sign: Pisces.
6.) Occupation: Student
7.) Pet Peeve: When parents yell at their kids in public places.
8.) Fave foods: Hummus, pizza with feta and artichokes.
9.) Fave colors: Burgundy red and dusty pink
10.) Fave movie: Cinema Paradiso.
11.) Fave day(s): Sunday (usually)
12.) Fave Animals: penguins
13.) Fave Holidays: Easter and Christmas Eve
14.) Fave T.V. Shows: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (it's sappy, but it makes me happy)
15.) Fave Actor: Clive Owen.
16.) Fave Actress: Reese Witherspoon
17.) Sweetest Gal: My grandma?
18.) Fave bands/singers: KEANE! I wish other people liked them as much- c'mon, they're like Coldplay mixed with Damien Rice:)
19.) Best Friend: I have the best friends, but I don't have a best one
20.) Fave Hangout: Starbucks
21.) Fave sport(s): Running and tennis
22.) Fave Thing to do: daydream about my future
24.) My most embarassing moment was: when a teacher emailed my advisor and (as a complete lie) told her that I was flashing the students
25.) The wackiest thing I did as a kid, was: went on a soil tour of Vermont with my biology teacher & friends so I could collect samples for my research project.
26.) Have you ever had your heart broken? It was avoidable, I pretty much did it to myself
27.) What are you wearing right now?: Gap flowery dress and short trench coat.
28.) What is the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you? A teacher called me "wearying"
29.) Are you in a relationship right now? No.
30.) Pepsi or Coke? Diet coke.
31.) Beach or Snow? Show- I hate sand on my feet
32.) Rainy or Sunny? both. My favorite days are right before a huge storm, when it's warm and windy.
33.) Square or Circle? Circle.
34.) Dark or Bright? both. :)
35.) Left or Right? right
36.) have a best friend: no
37.) have a girlfriend: no
38.) speak another language: hablo espanol, pero puedo leer y comprender mas
39.) drive: yes, in my cute little car
40.) have a car: see above
41.)last person you talked to online? I don't know- I don't have time to chat very much anymore.
42.)Who have you known the longest? Annie- we were born in the same hospital room, but I haven't talked to her for so long
43.)Who do you talk to online the most? umm, my brother?
46.)Who do you talk to on the phone most? My parents.
47.)Who do you trust the most? My friends, my brother
48.)Who listens to your problems? Lots of people
49.)Who do you fight with the most? My grandma
50.)Who is the shyest? me
51.)Who is the nicest? Jenny
52.)Who is the sweetest? Jake
53.)Who is the most outgoing? Julie
54.)Who is the smartest? my dad
55.)Who is the ditziest? my mom
56.)Who is the best singer? I don't know...Jonathan

When was the last time you..
57.)...took a shower? yesterday
58.)...had a serious conversation? I don't know
59.)...went to the mall? last week
60.)...went to the movies? Last night, Madagascar, big disappointment besides the penguins
61.)...had sex? a lady doesn't tell
62.) drunk? everytime I have a sip of alcohol, it seems...super- pass out drunk= never
63.) Are you talking to anyone online? no
64.)What are you doing? sitting in the hotel room, putting off packing
65.)Are you lonely or content? both- I think everyone is
66.) Are you listening to music? no
67.) Who is your worst enemy? myself- I'm like the protagonist in a woody allen film, it's a fight against my neuroses!:)
68.) Who do you cry to most often? I rarely cry to people
69.) What is your favorite perfume scent? ahh- Ibiza Hippie. that's my scent and I'm keeping it!
70.) Favorite school subject? Spanish
71.) Least favorite school subject? Anything to do with science that I can't see with my eyes (i.e. chemistry, physics, computer science, etc.) It's a pretty broad range
72.) Who will understand you the most? John
73.) Who was the last person that broke your heart? I did it to myself...he really wasn't to blame, which sucks because it would let me be mad at him
74.) Who is the love of your life? Umm, I think you have to be quite old to answer that question. Right now, the streets of Oxford, England

Who Was the Last Person...
75.) disappoint you? faculty advisor- I really really wish she had some idea what she was doing so my schedule isn't completely mixed up!
76.) ask you out? Daniel
77.) make you cry? Ty Pennington;) kidding!
78.)...brighten up your day? Juan
79.)...that you thought about? Well, since I just answered the last question, it would also be Juan
80.) went to the movies with? family, since I'm on vacation with them
81.) talked to on the phone? my mom
82.) talked to on AIM? I have no idea
83.) saw? my brother

Have You Ever...
84.)...slept outdoors? yes, camping
86.)...cussed someone out? I've never sworn at anyone
87.)...thought about suicide? in the passing way that everyone does at one point or another- especially near railings around high balconies
88.)...stayed up for 24 hours? no
89.)...swam in the rain or snow? I've been in a hot tub
90.)...gotten drunk? not pass-out or get sick drunk. just walk funny and giggle incessantly drunk
91.)...gone a day w/out eating? fasting
92.)...talked on the phone all night? no
93.)...smoked? never anything
94.)...made prank calls? I've called people I know and pretended to be someone else, but only my friends
95.)...been in love? I thought so, but no
96.)...slept all day? Once when I got home after finals week
97.)...killed someone? nope, not even a pet
98.)...been out of the country? yes, and I've decided to look for a job abroad too
99.)...told a girl/guy you loved them? no
100.)...if yes, did you mean it? n/a
101.)...gone skinny dipping? nope.
102.)...kissed someone you didn't know? yes:)
103.)...thought you were going crazy? well, I'm pretty spacey sometimes, but not crazy
104.)...threatened someone? no
105.)...wished that everything would change? no, I'm blessed

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