Thursday, November 03, 2005

... Fill out your answers and re-post ...

FIRST thing to do before going to sleep: That's a tricky question- really, the first thing I do before I go to sleep is wake up. The last thing I do is turn off the light.

FIRST pet: a teddybear hamster named Rosebud (I was in a classic movie phase when I was 10:)). I got her when she was a baby and soon found out that she had no eye balls...gross! She died from lack of personal hygiene :(

FIRST primary school: The Walt Disney School. Doesn't it sound fun? Um, not's just a school in Rochester, NY, that the kids had the opportunity to name.

FIRST alcoholic drink you had: Pimms and lemondade in Oxford...I didn't drink until I was legal, but it's a gray area since I was in a different country.

FIRST time you entered a bar: Once I was in a country with more lax drinking laws.

FIRST time you were sent to the principal for disciplinary action: Never...and now I have the power to send kids, but I use it benevolently

FIRST record you bought: It was probably Debbie Gibson

FIRST musical instrument you learned to play: first teacher thought that I was a prodigy, so she decided that she didn't have the skills to train me. I guess I showed her when I stopped lessons 8 years later! (I wish I hadn't!)

FIRST concert you watched: I went to a Devo concert 3 months before I was born:)

FIRST sport you played: Lacrosse. It's not fun when a ball as hard as a hockey puck hits your unhelmeted head. Why do boys lacrosse get pads but girls don't?

FIRST terrible fight: It was a bar brawl in East Surrey. Just kidding! The worst have always been with my little brother, though I can't imagine fighting with him now.

FIRST best friend: Annie Stulberg. We were born two days apart in the same room.

FIRST wedding you attended: My Aunt Emily's

FIRST person who greeted you on your last birthday: I was so busy on my last birthday, I don't even remember what I did.

FIRST collection:'s huge

FIRST time you saw a ghost: never

FIRST roller coaster ride: I can't remember

FIRST ambition: I wanted to be an architect. I designed amazing Barbie dreamhouses out of legos...I wasn't content with the prefab models.

FIRST job: I was an administrative assistant at the Lear Corporation in Dearborn. (That, and I babysat for years and years. Which is how I built the connections to get that job).

FIRST thing you bought with your 1st salary: Probably clothes

FIRST thing you bought today: Dolce de Leche scone at Caribou coffee

FIRST person you hated: I don't think I've ever hated anyone, per se

LAST concert you watched: The Decemberists...but it was mostly listening because I couldn't see anything

LAST book you bought: A Beginner's Guide to Arabic. I have a student that I communicate with at all. But now I know how to say teacher, so now I'm a big help, right?

LAST thing you bought: Iced Chai Tea Latte at Caribou

LAST TV show watched: CNN morning. I wish they had kept Bill Hemmer...he attracted my demographic, I'm sure.

LAST movie you watched: Good Night, and Good Luck

LAST time you traveled out of the country: Two years ago, to Europe

LAST song listened:
Tired of Being Sorry, by Ringside

LAST argument: My dad, because I lost his Mac OSX software. Oops!

LAST thought: Having 12 parent-teacher conferences in four hours is exhausting. Especially since I only see the students for 30 minutes a day, so there's not much to say.

Have a good Wednesday!

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