Sunday, November 27, 2005

To do during Advent:

*find a piano to practice carols.
*have a mimosa breakfast at my favorite restaurant with my dad:)
*let my students have more fun...
*decorate my littlest Christmas tree.
*eat at Chino Latino again. I am dying for the Brazilian spicy sauce!
*keep my apartment clean.
*sleep, sleep, sleep
*run, run, run...even when dressed like a Christmas Tree (this Saturday).
*make presents for everyone (stained glass cookies?)
*show my students how to make wool mittens.
*leave work earlier.

11/29- I just reread that post and it sounds secularized (if that's a word). I'm also going to light my advent wreath every Sunday night and try to find a nice prayer to say. Advent is one of my favorite church seasons because it is encompassed by anticipation, hope, and love, three of my favorite emotions.

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