Friday, November 11, 2005

Chick flick?
I don't understand the stigma that some people have against romantic movies. It's just romance! A guy, who will go unnamed, actually called to get my opinion if a movie that he enjoyed was a chick flick, as though that should affect how much he actually liked it. There is such a double standard...the fact that I want to see the midnight show of Fight Club at the Uptown is probably much more acceptable, right?

Other things I don't understand:
*how "I can't believe it's not butter" can have no fat at all
*why people take up scrapbooking as a hobby...use a glue stick and some markers and just call it a day, honestly
*Ashlee Simpson's popularity
*the Sunshine teacher-spirit committee at my school...I will never be that peppy! We're having a holiday party at Bennigan's; it's a little too much like "the office" for me
*why the veterans had to fire rifles outside today and freak out all the kids
*why the smelly Mr. Washable marker smells like licorice:) There must people something better than that

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