Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Grr and fit ;) I have so much to do, all the time! I spent 13 hours at work today and I only had about 30 minutes of planning time. It's enough to make me want to go back to graduate school. I miss the control I have when I'm writing a paper. That's a skill that I'm almost proficient in after four years of college: taking notes on notecards (with all bibliography information), cross-referencing by paragraph, and then typing and proofreading. I loved that wustl taught us (some of you) to bs a paper. But now it's like I'm starting over again. Eventually I'll be able to plan for 10 separate lessons each day, but right now it's almost impossible...it's like preparing for 10 different trajectories, based on the needs of each student in those groups, the content, the timing, the teachers...and I teach 55 students each day!!

I can't wait to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. I haven't been back to Ann Arbor since March. I'm not homesick, because I've only spent a week in their new house, but it'll be fun to see my family all together again. I can't believe it's next week! Though I'm kind of nervous, because my "room" is also my Dad's yoga/meditation/incense room :)

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