Friday, November 18, 2005

sleepy, but not ready for bed...
1. smoked a cigar – no...I'm sure it would be incredibly funny for people to see me do something like that
2. crashed a friend's car – no. But backed into a parked car (one of my friends father's) and did $3,000 worth of damage;)
3. stolen a car – no
4. been in love - not to the extent that I want to be someday
5. been dumped – no
6. dumped someone - yes, and I was too mean in high school
7. taken shots of alcohol- yes...9 shots of vodka on my 21st
8. been fired - no. I've quit before though, because I got so bored when I was a secretary
9. been in a fist fight – no
10. snuck out of a/your house – no
11. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- yes
12. been arrested – no...that probably goes along with the cigar smoking. It would be quite uncharacteristic
13. made out with a stranger - yes. That's kind of why we snuck into frat parties in high school
14. gone on a blind date – kind of, but I still don't know if it was a date
15. lied to a friend – never about anything important
16. had a crush on a teacher- yes. My Oxford tutor, with whom I met in his bedroom to discuss the virility of Mexican revolutionary soldiers;)
18. seen someone die – no
19. been on a plane – yes...this question seems out of place
20. thrown up in a bar - I've never thrown up from alcohol. I get tipsy after one sip, but otherwise my tolerance is pretty high
22. miss someone right now - yes
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yes, when I was little
24. made a snow angel – yes
25. played dress up – yes. I feel like it everyday when I get dressed as a teacher:)
26. cheated while playing a game – not that I can remember
27. been lonely – yes
28. fallen asleep at work/school – at school, no, because I always thought it would be disrespectful. At work, yes. I took a nap on my teaching table two weeks ago, but it was after hours; I just wanted to have the energy to lesson plan.
29. used a fake id - no
30. felt an earthquake – no
31. touched a snake – yes
32. ran a red light - yes. Only once, in September when I was completely stressed and exhausted.
33. had detention – no
34. been in a car accident - yes. I was riding with my grandparents and a car slammed on the brakes in front of us on the highway. The driver had missed her exit and wanted to turn around and go back...hmmm. My grandpa was sleeping on the backseat and he rolled off and got stuck between the seats, which he couldn't stop laughing about.
35. hated the way you look – yes, but it's always caused by something else
37. been lost – in what sense? Everytime I drive with my cousins, I get lost for some reason. Now they don't get in a car with me without asking me if I know where I'm going:)
38. been to the opposite side of the country – from here? I've been to Florida, California, and Maine, and I once had a layover in Seattle
39. felt like dying – yes, when I was sick in high school
40. cried yourself to sleep – yes
41. played cops and robbers - no. Do boys actually play that? I thought it was a myth perpetuated by Duck Tale
42. karaoke – yes, only once, and it was so bad. I sang "Let's Give Them Something to Talk About"
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't – no
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- I don't think so
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes
46. kissed in the rain - no
47. sang in the shower - all the time, but not since I realized that the walls in my apartment are paper thin
48. made love in a park - no
49. had a dream that you married someone - no
50. glued your hand to something – no
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes – yes. There's nothing as comfortable as a big, soft sweater
53. Been a cheerleader – omg no. Don't get me started on high school...
54. sat on a roof top - yes. I used to lay in the sun on the roof outside my window in Oxford
55. talked on the phone all night - no
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yes! I'm scared by everything. I was traumatized by the Disney movie "The Watcher in the Woods" when I was in middle school
57. played chicken fight – no. I've never really hung out at pools since I was little
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - no
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger – yes, by a scary number of older French men who claimed to be professors at La Sorbonne
60. broken a bone – no
61. run into someone you knew in another country? Yes, on top of the Eiffel Tower:)

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